Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Despite Kade being busier than ever right now with school and campus recruiting, he has still made the time to be such a sweet husband.  These are times that I never want to forget...I feel like all of our memories are so precious. This is his last year as a student, and the last time we will live in this apartment in Philly. Our life will change to something new next summer. 
Due to our mouse problem, Kade thought it would be funny to play a joke on me. I was teasing him on the couch one night telling him that he was too busy everyday to do anything romantic for his wife. It instantly made him remember something he had done before leaving to school that morning and I saw in his face what looked like a light bulb turning on.  He tossed my joke aside and turned serious telling me that he heard a mouse up in our cupboard the night before when he was alone studying and had forgotten to tell me.  He made me believe that when he looked up there after hearing it, he saw a hole and determined that was how they were getting around in the walls.  I believed him, knowing how tricky mice are, and when I went over and opened up the cupboard... I found this:
Who does that? My favorite part is the smiley face inside the O's. Haha. Little moments like this make me appreciate him so much. He is SO dang funny and is always making me laugh.  This picture below, for instance, is another moment in time that made me laugh one of my hardest.
There was a HUGE storm outside and the thunder and lightening was crazy.  There was one particular strike of lightening that sounded like it was on top of our roof.  He immediately pulled the covers up, laid on his stomach, threw the pillow over his head and acted as though he was hiding. "Babe, monsters are coming!"  This is coming from a guy that likes a bowl of cereal or a big cup of ice cream before he goes to bed. "Milk helps me sleep better."
I love him so much. He makes me smile every single day and reminds me how grateful I am to be with him. He has been working so hard at school...I am so proud of him.  We will be blessed because of his endless efforts.
This is a perfect quote that I found on Pinterest the other day.  It is what I will strive for every day of my life just to try and show him how grateful I am to be married to him.

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