Our time in Utah went by way too quickly before we started to pack up for Houston. We tried to fit in as much time seeing people before we left as we could.
We had a going away party downtown at the V factory and invited all of our close family and friends. We had a lot of people show up, and it was good to be able to say bye to everyone at once. We unfortunately didn't get any pics, but of course my girl friends did! Love them!
The day before we headed out, I had to get a root canal! I was a little loopy, but at least I did not have to go the whole drive in pain.
We rented a large Penske truck and loaded up with hand-me-downs from family. We got a lot of furniture and kitchen items. We didn't have much to begin with, but were able to load a whole truck full of stuff. We even bought a couch on sale to top it off the day before we pulled out.
It was bitter sweet to say goodbye to family, but we were excited to get started on our adventure.

When we got going on the road, we noticed a big blue cooler in between our seats. Rhet and Ann had filled up the whole thing full of food and drinks for us to enjoy along the way. They also gave us a bag full of chips and nuts, etc. Ann had made our sandwiches for us, and labeled them with our names depending on what she had put inside. Mustard for me, mayo for Kade. It was really humbling to realize how thoughtful they were, and thankful we were!
The trip took us three days, and a total of about 24 hours of driving time. We listened to music, and had a lot of good conversations. It was a fun experience that we won't forget...especially when Kade hit the side mirror on the toll pole ;)
We pulled into Fort Worth on the night of the 4th of July, which was fun to watch fireworks shooting off from all directions on the freeway.
When we arrived in Houston, the first thing we did was drove our truck straight to a car dealership and test drove some cars. We ended up getting a great deal on a 2011 Nissan Altima, our first car as a married couple! It is a special edition, and had low mileage for a good price. We were super excited.
Next, we headed to our new apartment complex. We had a few people come over to help us move all of our stuff in, which made it go by really fast. I felt bad for the guys that helped us...it was extremely humid and we were all sweating pretty bad. Welcome to Houston!
The place looked like a mess for a few days, but we managed to find a good spot for everything.
The following week that we arrived, it rained every single day. We quickly realized how big the rain storms were here, and how frequent the flooding is. People were backing their cars up to the door at Costco because they didn't want to go out in the rain!
We can't wait to get out new life started here in Houston!