Monday, October 17, 2011

UPenn Football

Kade has a good friend that goes to the business school with him that got married this past summer.  That was good news for me because that meant a new wife in the city! A few weeks after school started, the husbands introduced us over a date to get ice cream.  We were talking the entire time, and jokingly offered to move to a new table if they wanted to have a conversation with themselves.  To say the least, we hit it off well and have been spending a lot of time together.
A few weeks ago we went grocery shopping and we found these ginormous apples. We thought it was pretty funny so I told her to hold them up so I could take a picture.  She is from a small farm in Washington State...I feel like I have a lot to learn from her.  I have been trying to introduce her to the other Philly girls--we love that our group is getting bigger and bigger.

Well, her husband Jeff plays football for UPenn and a few weeks ago they had a home game.  Jeff put my name on his guest list in case we wanted to come, and then I could get in free since I don't have a student card.  We weren't sure we were going to make it because we had an appointment set up at our house that night with the Taylors, the missionaries, and a friend from the NCC that Lindsey and I worked with in the Spring.  We were trying to get her to come to hear the first discussion, but she never showed up. Bummer. We decided to go to the football game at the last minute, and figured it would probably be Lindsey's only chance before her baby pops out. (4 more days!)  We met Amber there and got to cheer on someone we actually knew which made it a lot more exciting!
During the game we saw two large animals crawling all over the bleachers on the other side of us.  We could not figure out if they were large rats or not, and curiosity about killed us.  Lindsey and I ended up running over there to see.  Turns out they were raccoons, and we got in trouble for chasing them to take a picture.  Woops! I had made a huge batch of pumpkin spice cookies for the meeting at our house, so we got to enjoy them at the game instead. We ended up having a way fun night, and enjoyed watching the game!

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