Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Book Club

I have never been to a book club before, and I always wondered if it was just an excuse for my Mom to get out of the house when we were little because she needed a break from us.  I had my first experience the other night with our ward here in Philly and absolutely loved it.  The book for September was The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind.  Amazing.  True Story.  I would have never picked it out browsing at the library on my own, but I am so glad it was chosen for us to read. The best part was the discussion we had to go along with it.  The girls in the Philly ward out here are inspiring...I feel like I have a lot to learn from the people I am surrounded by.
The book tells the story of a boy raised in Africa and his hope for changing his village for the better.  He is incredibly smart and finds a way through creating this windmill from a junk yard.  The book tells about the famine his family goes through, growing crops, and everyday life there.  I was fascinated.  He has his own blog about what he is up to now and how he is helping his village back at home with the resources and connections he now has in the States. 
The best part were the desserts, of course. Kelly did such a good job with the Halloween cupcakes and bread dip in a pumpkin! She also had black licorice in a jar, fruits, and veggies.

I don't need an excuse to get out of the house, but I will definitely be attending these monthly.  There was a lot of mingling and talking amongst ourselves, but when the conversation got was deep. I am sure it is different depending on what you are reading, but the conversation this month was very inspiring.  We feel that we are so lucky here in the States to have all the luxuries that we do...but are we really the lucky ones? We need to simplify. They are perfectly content over there with nothing.
I now realize why my Mom went all those years.  I hope to read a lot of good books and am excited to have another thing to look forward to monthly.
This is Philly's main downtown library.  I walk there a lot while I am nannying because the family lives close by.  It is huge, and I think it is such a neat buidling! 

October's Book Choice:  Frankenstein

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